September 30, 2009

Soft Approach

“As an Islamist I cannot condone homosexuality, and I cannot render halal that which is seen as haram in Islam, anymore than I can declare alcohol to be halal. But this I can say: when confronted by things like this, we have two choices: the hard choice or the soft choice. We can take the hard line and say that homosexuals are wrong and they ought to be punished. Or we can take the soft line and say that they are a gendered minority, and while they are practicing something we do not approve, we should defend them when they come under attack and we should counsel them. As an Islamist, I choose the latter, because for me Islam is still the religion of love, not hate.”

"All over the Muslim world we see that the forces of political Islam are still on the march and working to find their way to achieving political power. But the doubts and concerns that many of us have lies in the question of what the Islamists will do when they come to power. Will this power be used for the betterment of all, or will it simply be accumulated and monopolised at the hands of the few?"

Read more here

September 24, 2009

While Watching The Naked Chef

"There could never be enough money, enough attention or - most important- enough love, because he knew how quickly it could vanish.." Charles R. Cross, on Kurt Cobain.

To understand me, it to understand the above, ha!

Grandma almost burned down the kitchen today. She forgot she was boiling a pot of water before she went out for lunch with Acu. She felt bad the whole day. Near-missed on the fifth of Raya.

Friends all over talked about how their Raya is not as fun as before, like when they were way younger. In my case, Raya still has lots to offer. Sparklers, fireworks, all play and no work, and of course food food food! To explain is to bore, like Mom I'm just good at keeping myself happy. I spent too much time with kids, with 50++ cousins ranging from 1 to 33-year-old, we know not the meaning of boredom, or silence for that matter. Raya itself doesn't mean much, it's the company of loved ones; family & friends that made it one helluva joyous celebration. Saya juga pada tahun in, berjaya menunaikan solat raya buat pertama kalinya, yay!

I am just happy, and grateful. and I can't get enough of Chris Garver's artworks. I want one!

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri!!!!