I don't get people who need to put down others to feel better about themselves.
I don't get it. Why, most of the time, people would do everything they could, giving their very best in getting what they want, but once succeeded, all those efforts would go down the drain..
babai pak lebai tupai (ini adalah pantun dua kerat)
Like how normal it is for a guy/girl, while pursuing a certain love interest, would do practically anything to get even the slightest attention from that certain person. Mission accomplished and bamm, you started acting like some kind of arsehole (whom what you could've been all along), expecting the partner to understand and accept you as who you are.
I'm not talking about expectations here, its those changes. From first class treatment all the way, to being treated like a garbage, after the person has and is already in love with you.
Because you think you have a lifetime to prove how much you love and appreciate that person ey?
Because you think he or she doesn't need to be told everyday, on how special she/he is to you, isn't it?
or because, all those sweet gestures and actions are some sort of scam for ownership, in having that person all to yourself.
or because, you don't really like that person, it's just the thrill of chasing, "test power" bak kata orang orang kampung
Lets not take people for granted, shall we?
No matter how cliche it might sounds, nothing would last forever. Even the person you thought would always be there for you.
The most important thing is to NEVER FEIGN AFFECTIONS. I repeat, NEVER, FEIGN AFFECTIONS.
On the other hand, last two weeks I get to watch the Indonesian movie "BERBAGI SUAMI", (highly recommended!!) during a charity premiere, in collaboration with SIS and few other NGO's. They came out with the slogan "satu isteri, satu suami". Extremists (esp guys) seemed to be taking it the wrong way.
I've been having pretty much the same 'interpretation' towards the issue of polygamy. Though I don't really agree with the way they were saying it, the slogan, I do agree with the idea and the concept, and the good intention behind it.
From what I see around me, nothing good has ever come out of polygamy. My life is being surrounded by bad examples of it, none of the good ones. Kids turn out bitter, wives being unfairly treated ; only the husbands get to enjoy the life of multiple partners, only for a short while before the issues get way out of hand, sekaligus memeningkan kepala otak.
Bukan nak mengharamkan apa yang halal. Cuma cubalah kita untuk tidak bersikap taklid dalam melaksanakan sesuatu hukum atau sunnah atau cara hidup. Sebelum melakukan sesuatu, mestilah cukup ilmu di dada.
Mereka kata, "Untuk mengelakkan maksiat". Bullshit. Perkahwinan itu adalah untuk mengelakkan maksiat, memuaskan nafsu, bukan perkahwinan kali kedua. Itu gatal namanya.
"Isteri adalah anugerah, bukan untuk dimiliki", kan dilot kan, kan, kan?
Kesian agama Islam. Often misinformed and misused by ignorant believers, giving It the bad reputation, scaring those non-believers. The good intention of polygamy which was to help women in the first place, is now manipulated by guys as the ultimate excuse to own even more pussy(s). Especially here where the assimilation of religion and tradition is way beyond imagination.
That's why the virginity of the woman is important, not the guy's.
That's why whether the woman can cook or not is important, not whether the guy knows how to read the after-prayer-doa.
Ya Allah, kesian sungguh wanita wanita di Malaysia.
"sesungguhnya berjayalah orang-orang yang beriman.
iaitu mereka yang kusyuk dalam sembahyangnya.
dan mereka yang menjauhkan diri daripada perbuatan dan perkataan yang sia-sia.
dan mereka yang berusaha membersihkan hartanya (dengan menunaikan zakat harta itu).
dan mereka yang menjaga kehormatannya : kecuali kepada isteri atau hamba sahayanya"