March 27, 2007

chewing the scenery

Tol Mahal tapi Haprak - LDP

Congestion. Compacted road.
Scorching hot still,
to the darker stage of twilight.

NOKIA walkman came in handy,
as radio was a dullard.
Sang like nobody's business.
Sang like nobody was watching.
Sang like I own the world.
Overacting. Excessively dramatic.
"Chewing the scenery"

The Chinese guy next door laughed out loud.
At me not with me.
In a good way that is.

Talked to self on the phone.
10 minutes of solo silence.

Took off both shoes.
Can't help admiring the view.
The sky was a nice hue of blue.

This is my enroute home.
This is my enroute.
This is my.
This is.

Traffic jam sucks. Fuckedudadey.


asniloveschocolate said...

Fuckedudadey? Cute. =p

Anonymous said...

You write far better than I do!

Anonymous said...

lalala...aku baaaru jumpa blog ko! muahahahaha

asniloveschocolate said...

u've been tagged dear!