It has always been like this. Whenever i have lotsa important things to do, I resorted in doing all the least important things.
Like, when finals are just around the cupboard, I end up buying new furniture, revamping my small-already-crowded little room.
When there's a big presentation the next day, I would be very tempted in cleaning up the bathroom or paint the kitchen or wash the cat. I mean, bathe, the cats.
Whenever I should be studying for the big test, it's always the right time to finish up the SANDMAN collection by Neil Gaiman, or just another revision on The Archies.
Why? Mengapakah begitu?
It's denial. I'm in denial, that I don't want to believe that i don't have the time to do all that stuff.
That all my free time should be focused in doing so many other things that I'm not keen in doing. It's the denial of not having the time. Konon konon ada masa banyak untuk dibazirkan.
Nevertheless, this scenario happens only when I have important things regarding my studies.
If let say, you want me to go on a trip to Amsterdam tomorrow, I wont have the time to do anything else today, other than stuff regarding the trip, like packing and repacking and erm, shopping?
If you want me to help organizing an event or join a race or handle a team building program, I won't be able to sleep the night before due to anticipation and definitely won't have the time to do the laundry or dishes.
Then again, eventually, I'll get the job done.
I would study for the exam (tapi kadang-kadang main tembak je).
I would do the assignments and prepare for the presentation.
and I still get to finish up another round of The Archies, again and again. And again.
I know a few people who like to put things off for later.
They'd only get the things done when there's nothing else to be done.
Like wearing the best perfume only for special events.
Like forgetting to say how much that person matters because you've just nailed this great new job.
Like forgetting to thank God for His blessings, and for just having another day to live.
No I'm not talking about procrastination, heck we all procrastinate at certain times if not all the time.
It's the taking-things-for-granted attitude. How normal it is to be ignorant.
How cool it is being.. cold..
You just have to do it. If you think too much, you won't have the time to do anything.
You just have to do it. If you think too much, you won't have the time to do anything.
Before you knew it, you already reached the 87th birthday.
Oh have you heard about the guy who climbed Tower One of the PETRONAS Twin Tower, barehanded, yesterday?! Cool!I mean, yeah it is dangerous without the supporting harness and stuff.
Plus he was putting lotsa people's lives and jobs at stake (kalau jatuh mati pasti kerajaan Malaysia akan dipersalahkan. Oh I forgot to mention, he's an orang putih, if you haven't heard already) but hey, its one helluva interesting thing to do rite? and to watch.
He managed to climb to 61st floor before being dragged inside by some people, the firemen if I'm not mistaken. He reminds me of the Yamakasi(s). How cool is that?!!
Little Red Riding Hood : "What great arm muscles you have grandma"
Grandma aka Mr Wolf in disguise : "All the better to climb the Twin Towers "
Ok, I should get back to work.
i've seen yamakasi! loved it
it's not just you, everybody lives in denial....
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