July 26, 2007


Mr. & Mrs. Fane

Great dramas are lacking nowadays, in movies I mean.
Finally, a 'drama' worth mentioning, not just because my favorite actor is in it.;

"Based on the novel by W. Somerset Maugham and set against the visually stunning backdrop of China during its most dramatic period of upheaval, The Painted Veil tells a unique story of an estranged husband and wife who find redemption and unexpected grace in a very unlikely place".

The movie is about and I quote " discovering forgiveness, understanding, and even tenderness - and rediscover each other "

Can a woman actually loves a man for his virtues alone? Sure, why not.


Anonymous said...

aku baru jer nak sound kau "update la weh.." bagus. bley bace pemikirang aku..

Anonymous said...

to love a man for his virtues?
majority women macam tuh kan.. =)

as for men? questionable jugak laa.. hoho..

Anonymous said...

ya ampun edward norton ke? i liiikkkeeeeee...!!!

nanayau said...

pari pari, WAJIB tgk pls pls pls!!! sedey tapi :'(. tangkap lentok kerat tgn punya lentok. but sweet saaaaaangat tah tahaaaaaaaan.

atie, kalau takde chemistry, xleh gak kot, no matter how great the man is. like for instance, we were fond of encik ahmad ke kan, encik anuar ke (aku tak aku tak!!!), but we were definitely NOT going to marry them or love them in that sense, kan kan kan?!! contoh x berapa relevan, i know!! :P. euwwwww.. ok tukar topik.

EA(cheh, menyuruk di sebalik nom de plume ke baaang), perkataang.. perkataaaaang!! haha! aku malas dol skrg, restless beyond control. tolong.