January 12, 2010

Adik dan Traffic Jam

* Two early-twenties stuck in traffic around 4.00pm, car not moving, AT ALL. Passing by Istana Negara..

"Kau pernah amek gambar dgn guard Istana Negara?"

"Tak penah. Dgn
Buckingham Palace punye guard penah la."

"Aku pun tak pernah.."

* Parked the car 5 mins later and took the picture, back in car, stuck in stalled traffic still. Passing through Muzium Negara at 5km/hr, sigh.

"Aku tak pernah pegi Muzium Negara rupa-rupanya.."

"BIAR BETUL?!! Aku dah lama tak pegi, time kecik2 je"

" ..."

* Took the left turn to enter Muzium Negara. Went for a good tour around the museum before back in car again

"Traffic jam masih.."


"Eh Tugu Negara lah.."

* Detoured. Santai di Tugu Negara dan Tasik Perdana. Banyak monyet.

One of the many days of my brother's life. How many of us have visited the National Museum these past 5 years? Tugu Negara? Tidak ramai. Mari!

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